January 11, 2009

went to mass at Il Duomo with Nadia and Izzy. After we sat down, one of the priests came up to us and invited us to sit in the pews clustered right around the altar and asked us to help with the collection during mass. The mass was all in Italian but it was really cool. The priest was so welcoming despite the fact that we're American tourists and at least one of us is obviously not Catholic. (Nadia is Muslim and wears a scarf.)
walked around the city taking pictures. sights included Il Duomo, Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio, and Piazza della Repubblica.
went to the grocery store with some of the roommates. I hadn't gone with them before so this was my first time seeing all the different foods and the differences in the way they shop. Rather than being a big store with lots of aisles, the store snakes around with little alcoves off to the sides.
stayed up til midnight with the whole gang so we could toast Liz's 21st birthday.


  1. Ju! love that you're blogging. Could you enable RSS feeds, though, so that I can subscribe to your posts?

  2. I also am thrilled that you're blogging! I wish I had had the same technology when I was studying abroad that you have available now. Anyway, keep the blogs and photos coming... It's so exciting to see and read your experiences. I love the "Pinocchio shop."
    Tell us what kinds of food you eat... one of my favorite topics to read about!
    We're very impressed that you ordered in Italian after just a couple of days.
