January 15, 2009

Our first studio project is to analyze a map one neighborhood of Florence, so we didn't have to go to studio today. Instead we were allowed to just go out and roam our assigned neighborhoods with our groups. I'm working with Pat and Nikul on the San Spirito neighborhood. Before we started exploring, we got hot drinks out of a vending machine. It was really cool. After you put your money in and make a selection, it spits out a little cup, drops a stirrer in, and fills it with whatever you ordered.
had "family dinner" and then went to a club with most of the gang.

January 16, 2009

had a field trip to Chianti as the culmination of our orientation. We went to a vineyard called Vignamaggio up in the hills. The views were amazing. We got a light lunch and got to try two different kinds of wines. I passed on the wine tasting, but the tour of the vineyard was pretty cool. "Much Ado About Nothing" was filmed entirely at this vineyard, which was also where the Mona Lisa lived and had her portrait painted.


  1. You should have tried the wines!

  2. I get confused by the days not being in order. Is it b/c you post several days' worth at once?

    I'm glad you're taking pictures of this stuff... How could you see these places and NOT take pictures?

  3. yea they're not in order cuz i put several days on one post. it confuses me too, so i'll try to make each post one day from now on.
