March 29, 2009

went to mass at Santa Maria del Carmine. I planned on going to the 12:00 mass so I could sleep in after my long day in Rome. When I got to the church, everyone was coming out, but I knew there hadn't been an 11:00 mass, so I was very confused. I double-checked the mass times on the door and went inside for a little while, but they were blowing out candles and turning lights off as if all the masses were done for the morning. I started to wonder if somehow I was an hour behind, and that's when I realized that the clocks had switched an hour ahead during the night, but of course my clock hadn't. Luckily there was another mass at 6:00, so I fixed the time on my cell phone and decided to come back later. Before going home, I went over to the San Lorenzo market. It's a very touristy place where vendors set up all along this one street, but they have some really cool stuff for pretty good prices. I got some souvenirs and did some window shopping. It was raining lightly but was still pretty warm, but I still had at least three different Italians ask me if I was freezing (because I had bare legs). They have such a different idea of temperature than us. I was perfectly comfortable in flip flops and a skirt, but all the Italians were bundled up with pants, scarves, and heavy winter jackets.

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