March 30, 2009

had my x-ray at the hospital today. After being sent back and forth across the hospital about five times, I finally had my x-ray which showed that the pneumonia is completely gone! Despite the fact that I've been going to class for a week, I can now officially return to my normal life.

went to dinner at an authentic Italian restaurant with my Italian class and some Italian students for the Universita di Firenze. The dinner was one of the activities for class to get us to really experience Italy. The fees we paid at the beginning of the semester covered the cost, so that was really nice. We started off with an antipasto of pomodori, formaggio, e pane (tomatoes, cheese, and bread). Il primo piatto (the first course) was riso con vedure (rice with vegetables). Il primo secondo (the second course) included meat, so the vegetarians in the group got le pizze vegetariane (vegetarian pizzas). The pizzas were HUGE. The whole meal was a lot of food, but those of us who got the pizza had a TON of food. I forget the name of the dessert but it was a pastry filled with cream covered in chocolate sauce slash pudding. By the time Nikul and I had finished our pizzas (since they were so huge), they had run out of that dessert. They brought dolci di nonna (grandmother's sweets) instead, which was a torta con mandorla (cake with almonds), so I couldn't eat that either. The restaurant was very accommodating and wasn't going to let anyone miss out on any of the courses, so they made me panna cotta with frutta di bosco (mixed berries), which was really good. By the time we left the restuarant, we were all stuffed.


  1. How did you communicate that you were allergic to nuts?

    I knew the phrases for the courses since I've helped Lisa M. so much with papers for her online college courses. She'll be psyched to hear your experiences.

    And I'm SOOO glad you're all better!

  2. well i know how to say it in Italian but i was sitting right by my teacher, too, so I said it in English when I saw what they were preparing and she told the waiter.
