February 1, 2009

went to mass at Santo Spirito with Pat. Santo Spirito seems more like a parish church than any of the other ones I've gone to so far. They still had security guards at the entrance and certain times for tours to come, but the people going into to mass greeted each other and the guards as if they knew each other. There was only one priest, but that's part of what made it feel like a regular mass instead of sort of a tourist attraction. They also had song books which I haven't seen at any of the others. I was really glad they did, because I could actually participate in at least part of the mass when I had something to read from. I feel like I understand more and more of the mass each time I go. It helps that so much is similar to either Latin or Spanish. I always try to say the responses to the responsorial psalm and the general intercessions. I don't get every word, but at least I mange to catch a few.
went to studio to do my assignment due Tuesday. Jarrod (my partner on this assignment) and I finished the whole project by about 4, so I decided to wander around Florence on my way home. Although I usually end up at the same sites I've seen before on all my wanderings, I almost always get there a new way, which is pretty cool. I went down streets I've never been down before and saw different neat little places.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you're always very careful if you're walking alone!
    It's neat that you've gone to Mass at different churches, and particularly cool that you're learning some Italian this way. I guess I need to spend a few months in France!
