February 9, 2009

woke up to the landlady ringing the bell saying that our shower was leaking through the floor into the apartment below us and the one below them. The shower has always drained pretty slowly, but apparently if you unscrew the drain, it'll drain fast but it'll leak into all the apartments below. None of us had done that, but somehow the drain came unscrewed anyway. The plumbers came and are doing all this work, but that bathroom is out of commission for a couple of days. Plumbing seems to be really fickle here and the floors are so thin that water leaks through super easily.

went running. I ran around almost all of Florence. I ran from my apartment down to the river, out to the city walls and all the way around the walls back to the river. So I guess I ran the half of Florence on my side of the river, but that most of Florence. It really didn't take me all that long to run it either, so Florence is pretty small. There are some really cool things along the edge, though. I definitely want to go back and walk the whole thing so I can stop and look at everything. I passed the Fortessa de Basso which looks pretty interesting. It's one of the old fortresses from when the city actually had walls. I also ran past this big raised cemetery. It was just lifted up on a mound of earth with tons of trees and stuff. And of course I passed a couple of the gates that used to be part of the walls.

1 comment:

  1. And you were afraid you wouldn't wind up running enough over there...?
